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Table 5 Extra-regional migration of the 3655 patients studied by disease and province of residence

From: Time trends of cancer incidence in childhood in Campania region: 25 years of observation


No patients/total (%)

Acute lymphoblastic/hybrid Leukemia

143/1036 (13.8)

Acute non lymphoblastic Leukemia

37/220 (16.8)

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

3/24 (12.5)

Non Hodgkin Lymphoma

73/281 (25.9)

Hodgkin Lymphoma

47/189 (24.8)


93/342 (28.9)

CNS Tumours

251/500 (50.2)

Kidney Tumours

44/202 (21.7)

Soft Tissue Sarcoma

70/212 (33.0)


40/168 (23.8)

Germinal Cell Tumours

24/107 (22.4)

S. Ewing/PNET

57/109 (52.2)


50/77 (64.9)

Bone Tumours

42/63 (66.6)

Liver Tumours

22/45 (48.8)

Other Tumours

27/60 (45.0)


1029/3655 (28.1)

Province of residence


392/2059 (19.0)


266/625 (42.5)


175/589 (29.7)


104/229 (45.4)


68/153 (44.4)

  1. CNS central nervous system, PNET peripheral neuroectodermal tumor