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Table 7 Summary of RCTs with hen egg

From: Clinical practice recommendations for allergen-specific immunotherapy in children: the Italian consensus report

Study (Author, year, country)


Active group vs comparator

Sample size (AG/CG)

Age (yrs) [mean (range)]

Duration desensitization protocol/maintenance dose

Outcomes: desensitization/sustained unresponsiveness

Discontinued due to AEs


Burks, 2012, USA [130]


OIT vs placebo


7 (5–11)

22 months/1.6 g DEW

After 22 months, 30 (75%) pts in AG passed 10-g- OFC/at 6–8 weeks later only 11 (28%)


No reports of severe or life-threatening symptoms or death

Caminiti, 2015, Italy [131]


OIT vs placebo


6 (4–11)

4 months/4 g DEW

AG: 16/17 pts (1 dropout) complete OD/AG: After 3-months-HE-avoidance, 31% of these 16 pts remained tolerant. CG: only 1 pt passed the final OFC.


3 SAEs: during OD, 1 pt [withdrawal (U, throat pruritus, R, A, vomiting); during HE-containing diet: 1 pt presented U, abdominal pain after exercise (1 cooked HE) and another wheezing and cough during upper respiratory infection (1 cooked HE). [Both tolerant after 3 months of HE containing diet discontinuation]

  1. A asthma, AE adverse event, AG active group, CG control group, DBPRT Double blind placebo controlled randomized trial, DEW, E epinephrine, HE Hens’ egg, OD Oral desensitization, OFC oral food challenge, OFS oropharyngeal symptoms, OIT Oral immunotherapy, OT Oral tolerance, Pt participant, R rhinitis, RCT randomized controlled trial, SAE severe adverse event, U urticaria, wk week