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Table 9 Differences in respiratory physiology between children and adults

From: Management of acute respiratory diseases in the pediatric population: the role of oral corticosteroids


Physiological or anatomical basis

Metabolism ↑

O2 consumption ↑

Risk of apnea ↓

Immaturity of control breathing

Airway resistance ↑

 Upper airway resistance ↑

Nose breathing

Large tongue

Airway size ↓

Collapsibility ↑

 Pharyngeal muscle tone ↓

 Compliance of upper airway structure ↑

 Lower airway resistance ↑

Airway size ↓

Collapsibility ↑

 Airway wall compliance ↑

 Elastic recoil ↓

 Lung volume ↓

Numbers of alveoli ↓

Lack of collateral ventilation

 Efficiency of respiratory muscles ↓

Efficiency of diaphragm ↓

 Rib cage compliance ↑

 Horizontal insertion at the rib cage

Efficiency of intercostal muscles ↓

 Horizontal ribs

 Endurance of respiratory muscles ↓

Respiratory rate ↑

Fatigue-resistant type I muscle fibres ↓

  1. From: HammerJ, Eber E (Eds) Paediatric pulmonary function testing. Prog Respir Res. Basel, Karger, Vol 33, 2005. [99]