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Table 2 Evaluation of the residents’ apreciation for the integration of the lesson with the Caravaggio’s masterpieces

From: Teaching pain recognition through art: the Ramsay-Caravaggio sedation scale




1. What do you think about the use of painting artworks as teaching tools in medical classes?

 - A useful tool

11 (100%)

 - A potential distraction from key messages


 - A waste of time


 - None of above


2. In your opinion, can the evaluation of pain, anxiety and fear through a painting modify your ability of clinical interpretation ability?

 - Yes, it can be useful

9 (82%)

 - No, it is too far from real life


 - No, art is usually too cryptic to be easily understood

2 (18%)

 - None of above


3. With regards to the Ramsay scale class you attended, in your opinion the paintings were:

 - Appropriate for the score represented

8 (73%)

 - Not appropriate for the score represented

3 (27%)

 - Wrong and misleading for the score represented


 - None of above


4. With regards to the Ramsay scale class you attended, do you consider the images of the paintings:

 - Helpful for detecting the scores in the video

11 (100%)

 - Not helpful for detecting the scores in the video


 - Misleading


 - None of above


5. Regarding the Ramsay scale class you attended, is there a particular image you have been impressed by:

 - Yes (specified the image)

8 (73%)

 - Yes but I don’t remember which one

2 (18%)

 - No

1 (9%)

 - I don’t know


6. In your opinion, the evaluation of a piece of art with a didactic purpose makes sense …

 - … even if is illustrated by a doctor

9 (82%)

 - … only if illustrated by an expert

1 (9%)

 - … only if seen in real life

1 (9%)

 - I don’t know