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Table 4 Assessment of risk of bias in RCT (from BLISS population)

From: Baby-led weaning: what a systematic review of the literature adds on

Study (outcomes)


Allocation concealment

Blinding of participants

Blinding of personnel

Blinding of assessors


Selective reporting


Fangupo et al. 2016 (risk of choking) [27]

Low risk

High risk

High risk

Low risk

High risk

High risk (loss 12% and 15.5% at 6 and 11 months; ITT not performed)

Low risk

Sample size not defined for primary outcome. Outcomes self-reported

Taylor et al. 2017 (BMI, eating behavior, energy intake) [32]

Low risk

High risk

High risk

Low risk

High risk

High risk (loss 14% and 21.5% at 12 and 24 months; ITT not performed)

Low risk (but only few secondary outcomes reported from the original protocol)

Self-reporting of secondary outcomes