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Table 2 Characteristics of CDH and EA population

From: The experience of breastfeeding infants affected by congenital diaphragmatic hernia or esophageal atresia

GA < 37 weeks

1 (2.5%)

Side of CDH

Left 39 (95%)

Right 2 (5%)

Type of CDH*

Type A: 7 (17.5%)

Type B: 26 (65%)

Type C: 4 (10%)

Type D: 1 (2,5%)

Type C/D: 2 (5%)

Characteristics of EA population


GA < 37 weeks

6 (24%)

Type of EA**

Type II: 2 (8%)

Type III: 23 (92%)

  1. *The classification report the size of defect propose by Tsao K et al
  2. **Classification of Gross type