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Table 7 Primary care pediatricians’ responsibilities

From: Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pediatric obesity: consensus position statement of the Italian Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology and the Italian Society of Pediatrics



Risk factors:

Prenatal life: first-degree familiarity for obesity, low socioeconomic status;

Neonatal life: small for gestational age, or macrosomic infant;

Postnatal life: no breastfeeding, early complementary feeding, excessive weight gain in the first two years of life, early adiposity rebound

Monitoring the child’s weight and length linear growth

Educating to a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle since the earliest years of life

Assuring appropriate timing of complementary feeding

Children and adolescents with overweight or moderate, uncomplicated obesity

Early identification of children’s excess weight

Promoting parental awareness of children’s excess weight

Motivating and supporting the family to change, possibly involving other professionals trained in childhood obesity

Severe obesity or psychological co-morbidity, or additional risk factors, or biochemical alterations, or treatment failure within 4–6 months

Identification of severe obesity

Promoting parental awareness of children’s excess weight

Motivating and supporting the family to more intensive levels of care

Suspicion of secondary obesity

Referral to specialized centers