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Table 1 Variables Used in SEM Fitting

From: Factors affecting breast-feeding practice among a sample of Iranian women: a structural equation modeling approach



social support

Breastfeeding recommendations given by close friends and relatives (q1) / conjugal support perception (q2) / perception of healthcare community workers’ support (q3)


Sufficient milk diagnosis (q4), overcoming breastfeeding challenges (q5), exclusive feeding (q6), satisfaction (q7), determination on exclusive feeding (q8), satisfaction with breastfeeding experience (q9), combating time-consuming nature of breastfeeding by mother (q10), breast milk depletion (q11), breastfeeding on demand (q12), baby’s satisfaction with breastfed milk (q13)


Mother’s joy of breastfeeding (q14) / preferring powdered milk to breastfeeding for facility (q15) / considering breastfeeding as pleasurable (q16) / considering breastfeeding as more economical (q17) / considering mother’s milk as nutrient-richer (q18) / viewing breastfeeding to cause mother fitness (q19) / satisfaction with breastfeeding experience (q20)


Planning for breastfeeding (q21) / perceiving fulfillment of exclusive breastfeeding terms and conditions (q22)

Breastfeeding behavior

Start of breastfeeding immediately after delivery (q23) / breastfeeding based on child’s demand or mother’s desire (q24) / using feeding bottle (q25) / using pacifier (q26)

Baby’s past nutrition formula (q27) / nighttime feeding schedule (q28) / daytime feeding schedule (q29) / breastfeeding schedule basis (q30) / breastfeeding from both breasts (q31)