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Table 1 Clinical features of the Twins. HC: head circumference; 7-DHC: 7-dehydrocholesterol; IF1: Inhibitory factor 1; BMI body mass index, EEG electroencephalogram, n.v. normal values

From: Dietary cholesterol supplementation and inhibitory factor 1 serum levels in two dizygotic Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome twins: a case report


Twin 1

Twin 2

Clinical features at birth

Weight 2090 g (− 1.3 SDS)

Weight 2285 g (− 0.6 SDS)

Length 43 cm (− 1.5 SDS)

Length 43 cm (− 1.5 SDS)

HC 29.2 cm (− 2.4 SDS)

HC 29 cm (− 2.5 SDS)

Apgar score 8/9

Apgar score 6/9

7-DHC at birth

(n.v. 0.02–0.29 mcg/ml)



GI tract abnormalities


Pyloric stenosis (4.3 mm)

(at 50 days of life)

Heart (at birth)

Persistent ductus arteriosus

Patent forame ovale


Neurodevelopmental delay, hypotonia


age: 5.7 years

Unusual background activities and frequents slow spikes in centro-temporal regions, with clear activation during sleep and a sub continuous pattern.

Congenital acral malformations

Congenital hip dysplasia, bilateral feet hexadactyly, syndactyly of toes 2 and 3 and of toes 5 and 6, lower limbs asymmetry (left > right)

Bilateral clubfoot with syndactyly of toes 2 and 3

Hearing function

Left moderate-severe neurosensorial deafness (diagnosed at 10 months of age)

Normal (6.4 years old)

Auxological assessment (age: 6.4 years)

Height − 5.0 SDS

Height − 3.3 SDS

Weight − 5.3 SDS

Weight − 3.1 SDS

BMI −1.99 SDS

BMI −1.51 SDS

IF1 levels (age: 6.4 years)

13.0 ± 0.8 pg/ml

93.0 ± 1.1 pg/ml

Cholesterol supplementation age: 6.4 years

77 mg/kg/day

55 mg/kg/day