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Table 4 Comparing participants reports on actual practices with their views on what SHOULD be practiced

From: Life-sustaining treatment decisions in pediatric intensive care: an Italian survey on ethical concerns

Question code

Survey Question (translated from actual survey in Italian)

NO13 – CS1 & NO17 – CS1

The responsibility for the decision is shared with the parents [Scale 1]

Responsibility for the decision should be shared with parents [Scale 1]

NO20 – L & NO22 – L

LSTs are not initiated and/or not augmented if parents ask for LSTs to be stopped

LSTs should be limited (i.e., not initiated or not augmented) if parents ask for LSTs to be stopped

NO20 – M & NO22 - M

LSTs are withdrawn if parents ask for LSTs to be stopped

LSTs should be withdrawn if parents ask for LSTs to be stopped

  1. All comparisons were statistically significant among nurses and among physicians, with the following exceptions
  2. There were no statistically significant differences, among physicians only, for the following paired questions