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Table 1 Baseline patients demographics and gentamicin characteristics (n = 22)

From: Optimizing gentamicin dosing in different pediatric age groups using population pharmacokinetics and Monte Carlo simulation


N (%) or mean ± SD (range)

Age (months)

34.88 ± 31.9 (1–72)

Sex (male)

13 (59.1)

Body weight (kg)

10.13 ± 5.25 (3.98–17.7)

Serum creatinine (mg/dL)

0.39 ± 0.82 (0.27–0.51)

Dose per weight (mg/kg/dose)

2.26 ± 0.33 (1.78–2.73)

Total daily dose (mg/kg)

22.75 ± 11.67 (10–40)

Dosing interval (hours)a

8 (8–12)

Peak concentration (mg/L)

5.45 ± 1.08

Trough concentration (mg/L)

0.58 ± 0.28

  1. a Data presented as median [interquartile range]