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Table 1 Causes and symptoms of pathological delayed pubarche and suggested laboratory testing and imaging

From: Delayed pubarche

Causes of delayed pubarche


Laboratory testing and imaging

Primary adrenal insufficiency

Fatigue, weakness, weight loss

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain

Hypotension (particularly orthostatic), dehydration


Unresponsiveness to intravenous fluid, coma (if severe)

Poor feeding and impaired growth (in infants)

Hyponatremia, hyperkalaemia, hypoglycaemia, ketonemia

Altered baseline ACTH, cortisol, renin and aldosterone

Pathological values of cortisol at ACTH test

Search for other autoimmune diseases

Secondary adrenal insufficiency

Fatigue, weakness, weight loss

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain

Impaired growth (GH deficiency)

Altered baseline ACTH and cortisol

Normal values of cortisol at ACTH test

Search for other pituitary hormones (especially GH)

Central nervous system MRI

Genetic testing for panhypopituitarism

Androgen insensitivity syndrome

Femininization of external genitalia at birth

Undermasculinization and abnormal sexual development


Karyotype (46, XY)

Pelvic ultrasound

Genetic testing (AR gene)

Turner syndrome

Physical abnormalities (such as webbed neck, hands and feet lymphedema)

Coarctation of aorta

Short stature

Early loss of ovarian function (primary amenorrhea)

Karyotype (45, X)


Impaired growth



Weight gain


Dry scalp and skin

Altered TSH, FT4

Search for anti TG and anti TPO antibodies

Search for other autoimmune diseases