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Table 1 Questionnaire used in the present study (adapted from Chamlin SL et al. [2])

From: Quality of life improving after propranolol treatment in patients with Infantile Hemangiomas

1. My child has pain because of this hemangioma. (CPS)

2. My child seems sickly or prone to illness because of the hemangioma. (CPS)

3. My child has trouble sleeping because of the hemangioma. (CPS)

4. Because of the hemangioma my child has problems being soothed or comforted when crying. (CPS)

5. Children seem to avoid touching or playing with my child because of his/her hemangioma. (CSI)

6. My child’s hemangioma makes me feel sad or depressed. (PEF)

7. I am disappointed that my child has this hemangioma. (PEF)

8. I experience more headaches than usual as a result of my child’s hemangioma. (PSF)

9. My child’s hemangioma makes me feel anxious or nervous. (PEF)

10. I am bothered when strangers stare at my child. (CSI)

11. I am embarrassed by the way my child looks because of his/her hemangioma. (PEF)

12. I am worried that in the future my child will not make friends as easily because of the hemangioma. (PEF)

13. I blame myself or my child’s other parent that my child has this hemangioma. (PSF)

14. The hemangioma has affected how confident I feel about my child’s medical care. (PEF)

15. I get worried when I see changes in my child’s hemangioma. (PEF)

16. I have been frustrated with my child’s medical care for the hemangioma. (PEF)

17. I am bothered that my child needs to be watched more closely at home because of the hemangioma. (PSF)

18. I feel physically weak as a result of my child’s hemangioma. (PSF)

19. I am bothered when strangers offer opinions or ask questions about my child’s hemangioma. (CSI)

20. My child’s hemangioma affects our social life. (PSF)

21. My child’s hemangioma has strained my relationship with my spouse or partner. (PSF)

22. I have been accused of child abuse because of my child’s hemangioma. (CSI)

23. Our family is less likely to go to public places (e.g., grocery store) because of the hemangioma. (PSF)

24. My child’s hemangioma affects my or my spouse/partner’s work due to missed time. (PSF)

25. I am bothered that children touch or comment on my child’s hemangioma. (CSI)

26. I worry about my child based on information I read on the Internet. (PEF)

27. I worry about side effects of the medication(s) used to treat my child’s hemangioma. (PEF)

28. I feel too tired to do the things I like to do because of my child’s hemangioma. (PSF)

29. I have felt sick to my stomach as a result of my child’s hemangioma. (PSF)

  1. Abbreviations: CPS child physical symptoms, CSI child social interactions, IH-QoL Infantile Hemangioma Quality-of-Life, PEF parent emotional functioning, PSF parent psychosocial functioning