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Table 2 Description of economic outcomes

From: Primary prevention programs for childhood obesity: are they cost-effective?


Economic outcomes

Kesztyu’s 2011 [31]

INTERVENTION COSTS: €24.09 per child

ICER: €11.11 per cm WC growth inhibited and €18.55 per unit (0.01) WHtR increase avoided

Erdol 2014 [23]

ICER: Four of the eight studies have positive economic outcomes (two of them considered cost per QALY, one cost for DALY and one cost per % point body fat reduction)

Hayes 2014 [28]

INTERVENTION COSTS: $1309 per child (over 2 years);

ICER: $2697 per unit BMI avoided and $376 per 0.1 reduction in BMI z-score (reduced travel time)

Gortmaker 2015 (CHOICE) [25]

INTERVENTION COSTS in the 1st year (millions): $51 for SSB, $1.1 for TV AD, $4.8 ECE, $71 for PE

ICER: $1.16 per BMI unit change for TV AD, $3.16 for SSB, $ 57.80 for ECE and $401 for the Active PE intervention for the first 2 years. Substantial variations were in 10-year health outcomes (net cost saved per $ spent: $55 for SSB, $38 for TV AD, $6 for ECE)

Gortmaker 2015 (Obesity & Diet) [32]

INTERVENTION COSTS per year ($ millions)/ ICER-per unit of BMI reduced ($)/Ten-year costs saved for $ spent:

Sugar-sweetened beverage excise tax: 47.6/2.49/30.78

Restaurant menu calorie labeling: 95.5/13.09/5.9

Elimination of the tax for advertising unhealthy food: 0.82/0.66/32.53

Nutrition standards for school meals: 1,112/53/0.42

Nutrition standards for food and beverages in schools: 22.3/6.1/4.56

Improved early care, education policies and practices: 76.0/613/0.04

Increased access to adolescent bariatric surgery: 30.3/1,61/not applicable

Conesa 2018 [29]

INTERVENTION COSTS: 15.64 € per child or 5.21 €/child/year; 2.4 €/child/year to reduce the obesity prevalence in boys by 2%

ICER: 968.66 € to avoid one case of obesity in boys (1.20 €/boy); 3.56 €/child to reduce the obesity prevalence by 1% in boys; 47.39 € for a decrease of one BMI unit per boy; 65.17 € for a decrease of one BMI z-score unit per boy

Wyatt 2018 [27]

INTERVENTION COSTS: £144,749, with a mean estimated cost per child of £214;

ICER: poor outcome, no evidence of positive differences in mean BMI SDS and in preventing overweight or obesity at 24-month follow-up

Canaway 2019 [24]

INTERVENTION COSTS: £155.53 per child

ICER: £26,815 per QALY < £30,000 willingness to pay threshold, with the probability of the intervention being cost-effective of only 52%

Ananthap. 2019 [30]


ICER: AUD8155 per HALY gained (less than willingness to pay threshold for Australia of AUD 50,000 per HALY gained)

Joo Tan 2020 [26]

INTERVENTION COSTS $184/child ($601/child for combination intervention)

ICER: $18,125 per QALY gained and $1,022 per unit BMI avoided at age 5 years and $558 per unit BMI avoided at age 15 years