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Table 1 Performance of the both specimens using TB assays in detection of pediatric pulmonary TB

From: Comparison of bronchial brushing and sputum in detection of pediatric pulmonary tuberculosis


Sensitivity (95 % CI)

Specificity (95 % CI)


Bronchial brushing


Bronchial brushing


AFB smear

29.6 % (15.9–48.5 %)

33.3 % (18.6–52.2 %)

100 % (86.2–100 %)

100 % (86.2–100 %)

Mycobacterial cutlrue

37.0 % (21.5–55.8 %)

44.4 % (27.6–62.7 %)

100 % (86.2–100 %)

100 % (86.2–100 %)

Real–time PCR

33.3 % (18.6–52.2 %)

33.3 % (18.6–52.2 %)

91.7 % (74.2–97.7 %)

100 % (86.2–100 %)


48.2 % (30.7–66.0 %)

55.6 % (37.3–72.4 %)

100 % (86.2–100 %)

100 % (86.2–100 %)

  1. CI confidence interval, AFB acid-fast bacilli, PCR polymerase chain reaction