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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of patients with Kawasaki disease

From: When two Z-scores meet—analysis of exercise capacity of children and adolescents with Kawasaki disease by a new Z-score model of coronary artery and a new Z-score evaluating peak oxygen consumption


KD total (n = 102)

KD group 1 (n = 87)

KD group 2 (n = 15)

P value a

Gender (M:F)





Age (yr)

11.71 ± 2.57

11.64 ± 2.56

12.15 ± 2.67


Height (cm)

148.76 ± 16.30

148.64 ± 15.87

149.59 ± 19.73


Weight (kg)

46.15 ± 16.62

46.00 ± 15.59

47.18 ± 23.26


BMI (kg/m2)

20.14 ± 4.19

20.17 ± 4.04

19.97 ± 5.30


Resting SBP (mmHg)

112.78 ± 15.00

112.97 ± 14.91

111.54 ± 16.20


Resting DBP (mmHg)

67.40 ± 9.45

67.04 ± 9.42

69.85 ± 9.66


Resting HR (bpm)

84.66 ± 12.23

84.13 ± 11.99

88.23 ± 13.78



2.58 ± .97

2.54 ± .94

2.84 ± 1.21


FVCP (%)

103.26 ± 24.76

103.86 ± 25.93

98.93 ± 13.51


FEV1 (L)

2.25 ± .80

2.22 ± .78

2.46 ± .97


FEV1P (%)

117.18 ± 13.71

119.59 ± 13.69

99.62 ± 17.43


FEV1/FVC (%)

87.73 ± 10.51

87.75 ± 10.88

87.60 ± 7.66



61.99 ± 26.12

60.41 ± 22.86

74.39 ± 44.39


MVVP (%)

98.47 ± 44.10

98.37 ± 42.30

99.36 ± 61.28


  1. Data are the mean ± standard deviation
  2. KD Kawasaki disease, KD group 1 Max-Z of coronary artery less than 2.5, KD group 2 Max-Z of coronary artery equals to or more than 2.5, BMI body mass index, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, HR heart rate, FVC functional vital capacity, FVCP percentage of predicted forced vital capacity, FEV1 force expiratory volume at 1 min, FEV1P percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume at 1 min, MVV maximal voluntary ventilation, MVVP percentage of predicted maximal voluntary ventilation
  3. a Refers to the p value of a Mann–Whitney U test (continuous variables) or chi square test (categorical variables) between KD group 1 and KD group 2