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Table 2 Performance of exercise test in all patients with Kawasaki disease, KD group 1, and KD group2

From: When two Z-scores meet—analysis of exercise capacity of children and adolescents with Kawasaki disease by a new Z-score model of coronary artery and a new Z-score evaluating peak oxygen consumption


KD total (n = 102)

KD group 1 (n = 87)

KD group 2 (n = 15)

P value a

Peak VO2 Z-score

- .60 ± .95

- .52 ± .92

- .15 ± .99


Peak PD% (%)

90.11 ± 13.33

91.44 ± 12.47

81.04 ± 15.95



6.84 ± 1.22

6.91 ± 1.23

6.38 ± 1.09


AT HR (bpm)

141.59 ± 13.61

141.33 ± 13.10

143.38 ± 17.23


peak MET

10.07 ± 1.62

10.21 ± 1.55

9.15 ± 1.89


peak HR (bpm)

179.21 ± 10.43

179.71 ± 9.87

175.77 ± 13.65


peak VE (L)

45.79 ± 14.83

46.57 ± 14.67

40.51 ± 15.45


peak RER

1.16 ± .09

1.16 ± .09

1.11 ± .09


peak SBP (mmHg)

160.86 ± 30.55

163.11 ± 31.12

145.46 ± 21.42


peak DBP (mmHg)

79.06 ± 19.40

77.67 ± 18.65

88.54 ± 22.49



28,899.12 ± 6051.85

29,378.21 ± 6108.51

25,619.15 ± 4611.54


HRR at 1 min

29.66 ± 11.86

30.18 ± 12.03

25.44 ± 9.94


  1. Data are the mean ± standard deviation
  2. Peak VO2 Z-score Z-score of peak oxygen consumption based on reference value, Peak PD% measured peak oxygen consumption divided by predicted peak oxygen consumption, KD Kawasaki disease, KD group 1 Max-Z of coronary artery less than 2.5, KD group 2 Max-Z of coronary artery equals to or more than 2.5, MET metabolic equivalent, AT MET MET at the point of anaerobic threshold, peak MET largest MET during whole exercise testing, HR heart rate, peak PD percentage of predicted peak MET, VE minute ventilation, peak RER largest respiratory exchange ratio during whole exercise testing, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, PRPP peak rate pressure product, HRR at one minute heart rate reserve at one minute after termination of the test
  3. *p < .05
  4. a Refers to the p value of a Mann–Whitney U test between KD group 1 and KD group 2