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Table 2 Summary of parents’ responses to dietary questionnaire

From: Nutritional problems in children with neuromotor disabilities: an Italian case series


Answer (%)

Supply mode

Caregiver-sustained spoon (81%)

Self-sustained spoon (7%)

Bottle (12%)

Direction of food introduction

Centrally (62%)

From top to bottom (15%)

From bottom to top (23%)

Meal duration

<30 min (46%)

30-60 min (35%)

60 min (19%)

Need for assistance during the meal

Always (88%)

Often (8%)

Rarely (8%)

Loss of saliva/regurgitation

Yes (58%)

No (42%)


Type of food preparation

Liquid (35%)

Dense (54%)

None (11%)

Story of respiratory diseases (bronchopneumonia, aspiration pneumonia)

Yes (39%)

No (61%)


Choking episodes (cough, noisy breathing, loss of food)

>3 (24%)

< 3 (38%)

None (38%)

Frequence of bowel movements

2-3 days (50%)

3-5 days (50%)

5-7 days (8%)

Medically assisted defecation

Yes (73%)

No (27%)