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Table 7 Consensus warning signs of suicide

From: Suicide in pediatrics: epidemiology, risk factors, warning signs and the role of the pediatrician in detecting them

Seek help immediately when you see one of these behaviors:

- Someone who threatens to kill or hurt themselves

- Someone means to kill themselves: medicines, weapons and other means

- Someone who speaks or writes about death or suicide

Seek help, without the need of immediate assistance, when you see someone that manifests itself:

- Complete loss of hope

- Anger, rage, a desire for revenge

- Imprudence and desire to carry out dangerous activities

- Feeling of being trapped, no way out

- Abuse of alcohol/drugs

- Isolation from friends, from family or from society

- Anxiety, agitation, insomnia or hypersomnia

- Excessive change in tone of the mood

- Absence of a reason to live, absence of purposes in life

  1. Adapted from: American Association of Suicidology. How do you remember the warning signs of suicide? Newslink 2006; 32:20