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Table 1 Appropriate indications for PN in infants and children [6]

From: Indications and complications of inpatient parenteral nutrition prescribed to children in a large tertiary referral hospital


Infants aged 1 to 12 months: inability to achieve an adequate energy intakea for more than 3 days


In children older than 1 year: inability to achieve an adequate energy intakea for more than 5 days


Children not expected to meet an appropriate energy and nutrient intake for more than 7 days


Clinical condition leading to an absolute or relative contraindication to enteral nutritionb


In children older than 1 year: duration of PN of at least 5 days except in undernourished children

  1. aadeguate energy intake defined as 60–80% of the Kcal for age [5]
  2. babsolute contraindications to enteral nutrition: paralytic or mechanical ileus, anatomical disruption of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, intestinal obstruction, necrotising enterocolitis, GI ischemia, diffuse peritonitis, bowel perforation or a state of severe shock [5, 16, 90]
  3. Relative contraindications to enteral nutrition: gastro-intestinal bleeding, intractable diarrhea, enteric fistula, toxic megacolon, gastro-intestinal dysmotility, severe vomiting [5, 16, 90]