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Table 1 Demographic data

From: Safety of house dust mite subcutaneous immunotherapy in preschool children with respiratory allergic diseases


n = 91


 Male, n (%)

60 (65.93)

 Female, n (%)

31 (34.07)

 Age (years), mean (SD)

4.13 (0.57)

 BMI (kg/m^2), mean (SD)

15.48 (1.64)


 AR, n(%)

80 (87.91)

 AR with asthma, n(%)

11 (12.09)

Family history

 None, n(%)

54 (59.34)

 Father, n(%)

23 (25.27)

 Mother, n(%)

14 (15.38)

AD in infancy

 Yes, n(%)

53 (58.24)

 No, n(%)

38 (41.76)

Food allergy history

 Yes, n(%)

35 (38.46)

 No, n(%)

58 (63.74)

 Dp sIgE at baseline (KU/L), mean (SD)

50.23 (38.35)

 Injections per patient, mean (SD)

34.17 (16.00)

 Length of SCIT (weeks), mean (SD)

105.50 (70.39)

  1. BMI body mass index, AR allergic rhinitis, AD Atopic dermatitis, SD standard deviation, Dp Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, sIgE specific immunoglobulin E, SCIT subcutaneous immunotherapy