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Table 3 Neurodevelopmental outcome of the cohort (n = 176) at 24 months of CA

From: Neurodevelopmental outcome of Italian preterm ELBW infants: an eleven years single center cohort

Neurodevelopmental Outcome

N (%)

Normal Outcome

118 (67.05%)

Minor sequelaea

30 (17.04%)

76 ≤ GQ ≤ 87

18 (10.22%)

Muscle Tone abnormalities

7 (3.97%)

Phasic stretch reflex

4 (2.27%)


4 (2.27%)

Palpable squamous suture

3 (1.7%)

Major sequelaea

28 (15.91%)

Disabling CPb

4 (2.27%)

Non-disabling CPc

4 (2.27%)

Severe visual Impairment (central or peripheric)

2 (1.14%)

Hearing impairment needing hearing aid

5 (2.84%)

GQ ≤ 75 without other associated deficits

15 (8.52%)

  1. Abbreviations: GQ General quotient, CP Cerebral palsy
  2. aEach child can present more than one sequela
  3. b1 child had GQ < 75, 1 child had GQ < 75 and severe visual impairment, 1 child had GQ < 75 and hearing impairment needing hearing aid
  4. c2 children had GQ < 75