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Table 1 Laboratory and clinical characteristics of THOP group and euthyroid group

From: Clinical indicators that influence a clinician’s decision to start L-thyroxine treatment in prematurity with transient hypothyroxinemia


THOP Group

Eutyroid Group

p value

Participant, n




Sex (Male)

53 (64.8)

34 (39.5)


GA, wk

29 (24–34)

31 (26–34)

 < 0.001b

BW, g

1190 (485–2560)

1624 (625–2895)

 < 0.001b

GA (group)


 < 0.001a

 24–27 wk

26 (31.3)

11 (12.7)


 28–30 wk

28 (33.7)

20 (23.2)


 31–34 wk

29 (34.9)

55 (63.9)


Length of hospital stay, d

48 (10–131)

31 (10–110)

 < 0.001b

Initial laboratory measurement time, d

12.3 ± 1.95

12.5 ± 1.50


Initial laboratory measurement GAA, wk

31.0 ± 2.83

33.0 ± 2.43

 < 0.001b

Serum FT4 (ng / dl)

1.02 (0.31–1.58)

1.55 (0.97–2.54)

 < 0.001b

Serum TSH ( mU/L)

3.92 (0.25–10.64)

3.54 (0.73–13.3)


GA groups

Serum FT4 (ng/dl)

Serum TSH (mU/L)

Serum FT4 (ng/dl)

Serum TSH (mU/L)

24–27 wk

0.81 ± 0.25

4.31 (0.25 -7.82)

1.36 (0.97–2.2)

2.74 (1.57–6.91)

28–30 wk

0.97 ± 0.24

3.16 (0.99–10.60)

1.44 (1.25–2.54)

3.47 (1.14–13.3)

31–34 wk

1.13 ± 0.14

4.06 (0.88–9.08)

1.66 (1.20–1.94)

3.82 (0.73–11.10)

p value

 < 0.001c,e




  1. Categorical data are given as frequency and (%). Continuous data with normal distribution are given as mean ± standard deviation. Median (min–max) was used when distribution is not normal. Bolds are statistically significant (p < 0.05)
  2. Abbreviations: THOP transient hypothyroxinemia of prematurity, GA gestational age, GAA gestation-adjusted age, BW birth weight
  3. aChi-square test
  4. bMann Whitney U test
  5. cOne-way ANOVA test
  6. dKruskal Wallis test
  7. eThere was a significant difference between all groups
  8. fThere was a significant difference between; 24–27 and 31–34 wk., 28–30 and 31–34 wk