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Fig. 1 | Italian Journal of Pediatrics

Fig. 1

From: Plasma metabolomic profile in orthostatic intolerance children with high levels of plasma homocysteine

Fig. 1

Chemometric analysis of metabolites. (a, d) PCA score plot of the positive ion mode and negative ion mode. (b, e) OPLS-DA score plot of the positive ion mode and negative ion mode. The samples’ score on the first principal component is shown by the x-axis, while their score on the second principal component is represented by the y-axis. The ellipse represents 95% confidence interval. Green points represent each biological repetition in the control group, and blue points represents each biological repetition in the OI group. Purple points represent QC samples. (c, f) The permutation test of OPLS-DA models. The x-axis stands for the displacement retention, and the y-axis stands for the values of R2 and Q2. Green points represent R2Y, blue points represent Q2, and two dotted lines represent the regression lines of R2 and Q2. In the top right corner, R2 and Q2 stand for permutation retention = 1. C: Control group. OI: OI group

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